Hey! This is the start of my personal blogging journey. I have been interested in documenting my personal development ever since I realized I couldn’t just play video games all day without any effort (which was about 3 years ago when I turned 18). Ever since then I’ve made different notes on different note taking apps and documents scattered all over the place. But I have not really had a specific spot for these things.

The Idea Of This Blog

Now I’m not planning on bombarding this blog with a bunch of useless content, instead, I’ll be focusing on writing things here that are within my own niche, which mainly for now is: indie game development. I have already made a handful of games and planning on making a lot more. I’d usually just make a silly video of the development process, but I’d also like to make more “serious” and informative blogposts about them to highlight some of the technical details if there are any interesting things to highlight of course, I’ll also plan to keep track of my games in one big devlog post, similar to how a327ex had done with the creation of SNKRX. I might also make some related posts about other stuff that interests me, like art, video editing etc…

The Goal Of This Blog

The goal of these blog posts is mainly for me to put down the information I know on paper for the rest of the world to take in and hopefully learn something useful out of. This way I improve my own skills in expressing the things I want to convey in words and thus get a deeper understanding in them. As well as you, the reader, gets to hopefully leave more knowledgeable compared to when they clicked on the post. And of course, I will have a bunch of logs to look back on in 10 years and say to myself “Damn, look how far I have come”.

Final Words

Anyway, that’s basically all I had to say for this first blog post. I will most likely be making a YouTube video about how I went about to make this website.

Take care and stay safe.